Result after 6 months of evolution with oral medication (dutasteride 0.5 mg + Minoxidil 1 mg) accompanied by 2 quarterly sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Spectacular improvement after 9 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 3 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride in a patient with androgenetic alopecia.



Spectacular improvement in hair density after only 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 1 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg orally.


Great improvement in a patient affected by androgenetic alopecia on treatment with minoxidil 1 mg for 8 months accompanied by 2 sessions of dutasteride.


Very good evolution after 9 months of treatment with finasteride 1 mg + minoxidil 5 mg and 3 sessions of dutasteride.


Very good result after 12 months of treatment with dutasteride 0.5 mg + minoxidil 5 mg + 3 sessions of dutasteride in mesotherapy.


Patient who underwent hair transplant surgery in Turkey and was not recommended medication. This is the result obtained after four mesotherapy sessions with dutasteride + minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg.


Incredible improvement in the hair density of a patient after treatment with minoxidil 1 mg + dutasteride 0,5 mg + 1 session of dutasteride in mesotherapy + 2 sessions of PRP.


Result after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg + 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Great improvement in a patient suffering from androgenetic alopecia treated for 10 months with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 3 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


I have been doing this for so long and I am still surprised every day with the results I see in my patients….

Here you can see an evident improvement between the photos above and below in a patient who has only been treated for 3 months with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg and a single session of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Patient who came for consultation to improve her hair density.

We carried out sessions of PRP and dutasteride in mesotherapy accompanied by oral medication with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg.



I present a very interesting case.

Patient suffering from very advanced androgenetic alopecia which ruled out hair transplantation in principle.

He has received oral treatment for a year with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg accompanied by 4 quarterly sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.

He has obtained a clear improvement that now allows the hair transplant, which was initially ruled out, to be considered.


Result after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg + 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Great improvement in 6 months after treatment with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg and 2 sessions of dutasteride in mesotherapy.


Sólo 3 meses de tratamiento con minoxidil 5 mg y dutasteride 0’5 mg + una sesión de mesoterapia con dutasteride para conseguir este espectacular


Only 3 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg + a mesotherapy session with dutasteride to achieve this spectacular result.


Spectacular improvement after 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride + Minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg orally.


Great improvement in the capillary density of a patient suffering from androgenic alopecia in treatment with minoxidil 5 mg accompanied by dutasteride 0.5 mg and 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


“Doctor, I had a hair transplant a few years ago in Turkey and my transplanted hair has fallen out”

After assessing her case and comparing photographs before and after the transplant, I came to the conclusion that the loss of the transplanted hair was not the cause of her alopecia, but the lack of chronic medication.

After 9 months of oral treatment with daily dutasteride 0.5 mg + daily Minoxidil 5 mg + quarterly infiltrations of dutasteride mesotherapy, we have obtained this spectacular result.

Transplantation is not always the solution to alopecia.

Make sure that it is always a medical professional who assesses your case and advises you on the most appropriate treatment.


Very good improvement after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 1 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 2 sessions of dutasteride in mesotherapy.


Awesome response from this patient!!

Only 4 and a half months have passed since we started medical treatment with dutasteride 0.5g + Minoxidil 5mg + 2 sessions of dutasteride and a capillary PRP session


Spectacular improvement after 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride + Minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg orally.


“Doctor, I had a hair transplant a few years ago in Turkey and my transplanted hair has fallen out”

After assessing her case and comparing photographs before and after the transplant, I came to the conclusion that the loss of the transplanted hair was not the cause of her alopecia, but the lack of chronic medication.

After 9 months of oral treatment with daily dutasteride 0.5 mg + daily Minoxidil 5 mg + quarterly infiltrations of dutasteride mesotherapy, we have obtained this spectacular result.

Transplantation is not always the solution to alopecia.

Make sure that it is always a medical professional who assesses your case and advises you on the most appropriate treatment.


Spectacular improvement in the capillary density of a patient undergoing treatment with minoxidil 1 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg daily for 6 months accompanied by 2 sessions of dutasteride mesotherapy.


Spectacular improvement just 6 months after treatment with minoxidil 5 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg orally daily accompanied by 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Obvious improvement in the capillary density of a lady after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 1 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Spectacular improvement in the crown of the head after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 1 session of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


Significant improvement in capillary density after 6 months of treatment with minoxidil 5 mg + dutasteride 0.5 mg + 2 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.


6 months of treatment with minoxidil 1 mg and dutasteride 0.5 mg to observe this magnificent result.


Very good evolution after one year of treatment with minoxidil 1 mg accompanied by 3 sessions of mesotherapy with dutasteride.

Excellent professionals, especially Dr. Vanesa Pérez. At the forefront of the best treatments that they recommend you after individually study of your case.
Cliente Injerto Capilar Alicante
Jose Luis Muñoz
Pedro Sempere
Pedro Sempere
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La verdad es que después de un año y del inmejorable trato recibido, no cabe más que dar las gracias por el trabajo que hacéis, seguir así que es estupendo que el mundo existan profesinales como vosotras.
Laura MT
Laura MT
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La Dra. Perez nos atendió y explicó todo de una manera exquista. Los resultados estan siendo maravillosos. Muy contentos
Vicente Javier Esparza Martínez
Vicente Javier Esparza Martínez
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Muy buen trabajo de la doctora Vanesa con un equipo excepcional.

Da gusto estar en buenas manos. Grandes profesionales a un precio muy razonable
Alondra Coppiano
Alondra Coppiano
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El equipo muy profesional y atento. Te explican todo de una forma que uno puede entender muy bien.Te dicen el diagnóstico y el tratamiento/s que se puede seguir en la primera consulta y de precios no tan desorbitados como en otros sitios a los que he ido. Muy contenta durante este año de tratamiento 😊
Richard G
Richard G
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Tras búsqueda exhaustiva de información, animado por las buenas referencias que había obtenido sobre el trabajo de la Doctora y su equipo, así como el precio que presupuestan, acudí al lugar para estudio capilar al objeto de posible injerto capilar. En su valoración en persona, la Doctora demostró su honestidad y seriedad en su trabajo al indicarme las posibilidades existentes dado que no dispongo de una zona donante abundante, prescribiéndome tratamiento médico. Tras tres meses de evolución, estoy obteniendo muy buenos resultados jamás imaginados por mí, con muchas posibilidades aún de mejora dado el poco tiempo de evolución transcurrido. En todo momento el trato de la Doctora y su equipo es excelente y cercano. Sin duda un lugar muy recomendable. Muchas gracias de corazón.
Joaquín Martínez Pretel
Joaquín Martínez Pretel
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Hola, estoy más que satisfecho con los resultados. Han superado con creces las expectativas, venía recomendado por varios amigos y no dudaría ni un segundo en recomendarlo. Todo ha sido mucho más sencillo y rápido de lo que esperaba. Respecto al equipo solo puedo decir que, Amén de ser profesionales excelentes, me han hecho sentir en todo momento, tanto antes, durante y después de la intervención, muy bien y muy tranquilo en todo momento. Son maravillosas!!.

Únicamente me arrepiento de no haberlo hecho antes!!!
Nestor Hdez
Nestor Hdez
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Gracias a la profesionalidad y tesón del equipo de la Dra Vanesa Perez soy otra persona, no tengáis ninguna duda en trataros con ellos, no quiero decir más que esto: MERECIÓ LA PENA y lo volvería a hacer si lo necesitara. Mil gracias a todo el equipo !!
Santiago Ferre
Santiago Ferre
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Recomiendo mucho a la Doctora Pérez tanto por el cuidado que tiene al realizar el tratamiento, como la amabilidad y la experiencia que ofrece. Después de 6 meses, he notado una mejora muy favorable en cuanto a la densidad del pelo, que ya lo estaba dando por perdido. Muchas gracias por el trato ofrecido!