What does the Murcia hair graft consist of?

The Murcia hair transplant procedure is performed to restore hair in areas of the scalp that have become bald or where the hair has become weakened. There are many types of hair replacement surgery.

A hair transplant consists of removing small pieces of scalp containing hair from a donating area and using them as grafts to place in areas that are bald or have thinning hair.

In Dr Vanesa Pérez’s clinic, we perform the Murcia hair graft using a minimally invasive surgical technique that improves hair thickness in different types of alopecia.

Hair transplant as therapy

The Murcia hair transplant is a therapeutic tool that should never be a substitute for medical treatment, but should be used as a complement to this.

Hair transplant surgery is a surgical technique that is performed in an operating theatre under local anaesthetic and the whole process takes place on the same day. This surgery does not require admission into hospital and patient recovery is quick.

Initially, the transplanted micrografts have the appearance of short hair with a scab and, two weeks after surgery, the hair shafts will begin to detach. After 5-6 months, the new follicles will begin to grow and the patient’s hair thickness progressively improves over the length of a year, by which time the final results are normally seen.

What are the different types of hair transplants?

At the Murcia hair transplant clinics there are 2 main surgical methods of treating baldness: The extraction of follicular units (FUE) and transplant using a strip (FUT). They work by extracting hair from the back and the sides of the head and transferring it to where there is hair loss. Some people also successfully used chest and beard hair for the procedure.

FUE is performed by using a small punch to extract each follicle. This can be done manually or by using an electric device, depending on the surgeon’s preference. Many people prefer the FUE method, as it is less invasive than the FUT method and may provide greater flexibility when styling hair in the future, making it possible to wear shorter styles. It is important to keep in mind that the hair may need to be shaved for the procedure.

The FUT, on the other hand, involves replacing a linear incision with an oval-shaped one. This allows the surgeon to obtain a large number of grafts with one single procedure, without the need for shaving. The resulting wounds tend to be closed with staples and may leave linear scars, although these can be covered by the surrounding hair.

The surgeon will need to place the grafts where they are needed to guarantee a more natural coverage. To do this, they will make incisions in the scalp and directly insert the grafts manually. Other methods include the use of tools that make incisions and transplant the grafts at the same time. The procedure can last between 8 to 10 hours.

It may take about 3 to 4 months for surgical hair transplants to begin growing new hair. All the new hair should have grown 8 months after the procedure, and the hair may take up to 18 months to reach maturity.

After the appointment with Dra Pérez it was clear to me. To my surprise, the price was in line with the budget I was handling and the clarity of his explanations and the confidence he conveyed to me dispelled any doubts. Four months have passed since the intervention and the results have been unbeatable. Thank the whole team and especially the doctor for their kindness and good work. Recommended 100%
Cliente Injerto Capilar Alicante

How much does the Murcia hair transplant cost?

To find out the cost of the Murcia hair transplant, we advise you to contact us, and we will assess your case and offer you more in-depth information.

Am I suitable for a hair transplant?

For the hair transplant to have the greatest chance of success, the candidate needs to have hair to transplant. The more healthy the hair they possess, the greater the possibility of success. A consultation will allow you to establish if a hair transplant is a suitable option for you.